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Global Warming????

Posted: Fri Jun 13, 2008 10:50 am
by Redtro

Re: Global Warming????

Posted: Thu Jul 24, 2008 1:21 pm
AMEN Brother!!! Al Gore and Senator Osama Hussain Obama will be the end of this nation and our way of life. As I believe the second aforementiond individual has stated in his book, when it comes to the end of days, I'll stand with the muslims, or something to that effect. Vote!!! and Vote Often!!! :shock: Hell, I'm the NRA and I VOTE!!!

Re: Global Warming????

Posted: Thu Jul 24, 2008 7:23 pm
by Carl La Fong
Please do not take this in the wrong way, but Mr. Obama did not say that. This is a direct quote from his book, not the skewed internet version.

"Of course, not all my conversations in immigrant communities follow this easy pattern. In the wake of 9/11, my meetings with Arab and Pakistani Americans, for example, have a more urgent quality, for the stories of detentions and FBI questioning and hard stares from neighbors have shaken their sense of security and belonging. They have been reminded that the history of immigration in this country has a dark underbelly; they need specific assurances that their citizenship really means something, that America has learned the right lessons from the Japanese internments during WWII, and that I will stand with them should the political winds shift in an ugly direction."

This seems to be a patriotic statement, standing firm for the rights of Americans of all persuasions. No mention of Muslims whatsoever.

BTW, I will not be voting for Mr. Obama. Registered Republican.

Re: Global Warming????

Posted: Mon Jul 28, 2008 7:51 pm
by Butterfly
Carl La Fong wrote:Please do not take this in the wrong way, but Mr. Obama did not say that. This is a direct quote from his book, not the skewed internet version.

"Of course, not all my conversations in immigrant communities follow this easy pattern. In the wake of 9/11, my meetings with Arab and Pakistani Americans, for example, have a more urgent quality, for the stories of detentions and FBI questioning and hard stares from neighbors have shaken their sense of security and belonging. They have been reminded that the history of immigration in this country has a dark underbelly; they need specific assurances that their citizenship really means something, that America has learned the right lessons from the Japanese internments during WWII, and that I will stand with them should the political winds shift in an ugly direction."

This seems to be a patriotic statement, standing firm for the rights of Americans of all persuasions. No mention of Muslims whatsoever.

BTW, I will not be voting for Mr. Obama. Registered Republican.
May I ask how you know this? :)

He has mentioned Muslims..and if I can find it again I will post it. :D

Thank you for not voting for him!!! :D But I must can he be patriotic when he won't even salute the American Flag?
:cry: In my option he is not a leader of the " American People" and I do know that he will not have the majority vote of the Native American :shock: we do have our own "network". :)

Did a little research own my own and this is what I found to be true.

Senator Obama does have an unusual name which reflects his African Muslim heritage.

Senator Obama is reported to be named after his father, Barack Hussein Obama, Sr.

The Senator's first name, Barack, is a Swahili name that has its origins in the Arabic language. The original Arabic root of the name (B-R-K) means "blessed." In Arabic, the root word is used in many other phrases to denote blessings and to describe people who are blessed:
Senator Obama's middle name is Hussein, which was his grandfather's first name. The name, of Arabic origin, means "good" or "handsome one." It is common in Muslim cultures for children (both boys and girls) to have a middle name which directly connects them to their father or grandfather.
Senator Obama's surname is not uncommon among the Luo tribe, one of the three largest ethnic groups in Kenya. They speak the Dhoulou language

Obama is Christian but his father was Muslim as is his paternal grandmother and Obama lived in Indonesia, a Muslim country, early in his childhood.

Re: Global Warming????

Posted: Tue Jul 29, 2008 1:29 pm
by Carl La Fong
May I ask how you know this?

Very simple. Just Google "Obama page 261" It is all over the net and it, as I said, directly quotes what he actually said
He has mentioned Muslims..and if I can find it again I will post it.

Oaky doaky
Thank you for not voting for him!!! But I must can he be patriotic when he won't even salute the American Flag?

Again, If you do some online reseach, there are numerous picture of him with his hand over his heart. I don't know why he didn't in that infamous picture

Did a little research own my own and this is what I found to be true.

Senator Obama does have an unusual name which reflects his African Muslim heritage.

I don't think too much reseach is required to determine that he has an unusual name. His father who, as I understand it, had no part of his life growing up, gave it to him. Giving him a Muslim name doesn't make him a Muslim. His mother, who raised him alone was an athiest. His skin color pretty much tips us off to his African heritage

Senator Obama is reported to be named after his father, Barack Hussein Obama, Sr.

Nothing purported at all. He WAS named after his father, as I was.

The Senator's first name, Barack, is a Swahili name that has its origins in the Arabic language. The original Arabic root of the name (B-R-K) means "blessed." In Arabic, the root word is used in many other phrases to denote blessings and to describe people who are blessed:
Senator Obama's middle name is Hussein, which was his grandfather's first name. The name, of Arabic origin, means "good" or "handsome one." It is common in Muslim cultures for children (both boys and girls) to have a middle name which directly connects them to their father or grandfather.
Senator Obama's surname is not uncommon among the Luo tribe, one of the three largest ethnic groups in Kenya. They speak the Dhoulou language

Very interesting, but how does this make him good or bad? For someone who brings their ethicity into the conversation fairly often, I'm a bit surprized at the, seemingly, racial/ethnic/religious overtones of your comments

Obama is Christian but his father was Muslim as is his paternal grandmother and Obama lived in Indonesia, a Muslim country, early in his childhood

It seems we've returned to square one. Mr. Obama, by your own admission, is a Christian. So we're on the same page. We aren't voting for him because of his politics, not because of his race or religious beliefs. I ain't that crazy about the white guy either.

Re: Global Warming????

Posted: Tue Jul 29, 2008 2:14 pm
by Butterfly
Carl La Fong wrote:May I ask how you know this?

Very simple. Just Google "Obama page 261" It is all over the net and it, as I said, directly quotes what he actually said
He has mentioned Muslims..and if I can find it again I will post it.

Oaky doaky
Thank you for not voting for him!!! But I must can he be patriotic when he won't even salute the American Flag?

Again, If you do some online reseach, there are numerous picture of him with his hand over his heart. I don't know why he didn't in that infamous picture

Did a little research own my own and this is what I found to be true.

Senator Obama does have an unusual name which reflects his African Muslim heritage.

I don't think too much reseach is required to determine that he has an unusual name. His father who, as I understand it, had no part of his life growing up, gave it to him. Giving him a Muslim name doesn't make him a Muslim. His mother, who raised him alone was an athiest. His skin color pretty much tips us off to his African heritage

Senator Obama is reported to be named after his father, Barack Hussein Obama, Sr.

Nothing purported at all. He WAS named after his father, as I was.

The Senator's first name, Barack, is a Swahili name that has its origins in the Arabic language. The original Arabic root of the name (B-R-K) means "blessed." In Arabic, the root word is used in many other phrases to denote blessings and to describe people who are blessed:
Senator Obama's middle name is Hussein, which was his grandfather's first name. The name, of Arabic origin, means "good" or "handsome one." It is common in Muslim cultures for children (both boys and girls) to have a middle name which directly connects them to their father or grandfather.
Senator Obama's surname is not uncommon among the Luo tribe, one of the three largest ethnic groups in Kenya. They speak the Dhoulou language

Very interesting, but how does this make him good or bad? For someone who brings their ethicity into the conversation fairly often, I'm a bit surprized at the, seemingly, racial/ethnic/religious overtones of your comments

Obama is Christian but his father was Muslim as is his paternal grandmother and Obama lived in Indonesia, a Muslim country, early in his childhood

It seems we've returned to square one. Mr. Obama, by your own admission, is a Christian. So we're on the same page. We aren't voting for him because of his politics, not because of his race or religious beliefs. I ain't that crazy about the white guy either.

Carl, in you elder time of life is it all you have to do is surf the internet and find subjects to respond to that you know will raise the tempers of others? You seem to seek out subjects and then post some kind of opposite statement or use your famous Snopes to start a conflict. I really don't give a hoot who is president of this United States of America as long as he is for the American People, wanting to take care of the elderly, children and keep ALL legal Americans as safe a possible! I don't give a damn about their race, religion, or who they sleep with, I do care about what he can or intends to do for the American People, all of them.

Very interesting, but how does this make him good or bad? For someone who brings their ethicity into the conversation fairly often, I'm a bit surprized at the, seemingly, racial/ethnic/religious overtones of your comments]

I am about sick and tired of my Native American Heritage being attacked. :evil: I don't even know if you know your true heritage...but I do and I am very Proud of it! I am not racial/ethical or even religious (in the Christan way)of any sort. I AM AN AMERICAN and DAMN PROUD IT, I will at any time state my Heritage to whom ever and where ever I please...why Because I DO live in the land of the Free. :D My "People" have been fighting to survive for 100s of years and you know what.....we ain't dead yet!!!!!! We have been raped, killed, poisoned, land stolen from us,and so much more and we are still here and are Americans who still believe in mankind!

Carl..Get off my Native American Back and go find someone else to pick on because this American Native won't sit by quitely........if you have anything else to say about it do so in a PM or can find both in my profile.

Now you go and have yourself a very nice day!

Re: Global Warming????

Posted: Tue Jul 29, 2008 2:21 pm
Just don't ask her to bury the hatchet. She has them and she is very adept at throwing them! :? :D

Re: Global Warming????

Posted: Tue Jul 29, 2008 2:43 pm
by Butterfly
EAGLE wrote:Just don't ask her to bury the hatchet. She has them and she is very adept at throwing them! :? :D
Maybe I do need to go throw a few hatchets this evening..want to join me? :shock: :D
The winner gets to choose ..Hmmmmmm..we will talk about that later!!!!!!!! ;)

Re: Global Warming????

Posted: Tue Jul 29, 2008 2:48 pm
Well Hell! Cain't rightly loose on that thar' one kin' I?!? You're on!!! :twisted:

Re: Global Warming????

Posted: Tue Jul 29, 2008 2:52 pm
by Butterfly
EAGLE wrote:Well Hell! Cain't rightly loose on that thar' one kin' I?!? You're on!!! :twisted:

:shock: :D :D 8-)

Re: Global Warming????

Posted: Tue Jul 29, 2008 3:35 pm
by Carl La Fong
Carl, in you elder time of life
No problem making a smart remark about age, Huh?

is it all you have to do is surf the internet and find subjects to respond to that you know will raise the tempers of others?

I do not surf the internet. I post on 5 or 6 different auto/motorcycle boards. When someone post incorrect info, I usually respond. It's called debate and possible education for both parties

You seem to seek out subjects and then post some kind of opposite statement or use your famous Snopes to start a conflict. I really don't give a hoot who is president of this United States of America as long as he is for the American People, wanting to take care of the elderly, children and keep ALL legal Americans as safe a possible! I don't give a damn about their race, religion, or who they sleep with, I do care about what he can or intends to do for the American People, all of them.

Very interesting, but how does this make him good or bad? For someone who brings their ethicity into the conversation fairly often, I'm a bit surprized at the, seemingly, racial/ethnic/religious overtones of your comments]

I am about sick and tired of my Native American Heritage being attacked.

Let' get one thing very staight right now. I DID NOT ATTACK YOU OR YOUR ETHNICITY!!!! How dare you. You know nothing of me, only what you have invented in your mind. For your information, my wife is very non white. Because of that, many of my friends are as well. Don't go racial on me. I've been there for over 40 years.

I don't even know if you know your true heritage...

One of my passtimes is genealogical research. I know, better that you, I would guess, my heritage. I have over 2500 name in my data base. You would be very interested in my great grandmother.

but I do and I am very Proud of it!

I tend to be proud of things that I have accomplished, rather that things that I had no choice about. It's a bit like being proud of your height or shoe size. I am an American as well. I fought in actual combat with the Marines.
I feel sympathy for anyone who has been wronged, but I will not feel guilt. My concience is clear

I am not racial/ethical or even religious (in the Christan way)of any sort. I AM AN AMERICAN and DAMN PROUD IT, I will at any time state my Heritage to whom ever and where ever I please...why Because I DO live in the land of the Free. My "People" have been fighting to survive for 100s of years and you know what.....we ain't dead yet!!!!!! We have been raped, killed, poisoned, land stolen from us,and so much more and we are still here and are Americans who still believe in mankind!

Carl..Get off my Native American Back and go find someone else to pick on because this American Native won't sit by quitely........if you have anything else to say about it do so in a PM or can find both in my profile.

WHY DO YOU KEEP UP WITH THIS NATIVE AMERICAN DIATRIBE??????? READ THIS VERY CAREFULLY. I DON'T CARE. It makes no difference to me who or what you are or claim to be. YOU keep bringing it up, not me or anyone else. Quit hiding behind your ethnicity or using it as a weapon.

I'm done now. I will not bother you or your eagle again. Too thin skinned for me.

Now you go and have yourself a very nice day!

Re: Global Warming????

Posted: Tue Jul 29, 2008 3:50 pm
by Butterfly
Carl La Fong wrote:Carl, in you elder time of life
No problem making a smart remark about age, Huh?

is it all you have to do is surf the internet and find subjects to respond to that you know will raise the tempers of others?

I do not surf the internet. I post on 5 or 6 different auto/motorcycle boards. When someone post incorrect info, I usually respond. It's called debate and possible education for both parties

You seem to seek out subjects and then post some kind of opposite statement or use your famous Snopes to start a conflict. I really don't give a hoot who is president of this United States of America as long as he is for the American People, wanting to take care of the elderly, children and keep ALL legal Americans as safe a possible! I don't give a damn about their race, religion, or who they sleep with, I do care about what he can or intends to do for the American People, all of them.

Very interesting, but how does this make him good or bad? For someone who brings their ethicity into the conversation fairly often, I'm a bit surprized at the, seemingly, racial/ethnic/religious overtones of your comments]

I am about sick and tired of my Native American Heritage being attacked.

Let' get one thing very staight right now. I DID NOT ATTACK YOU OR YOUR ETHNICITY!!!! How dare you. You know nothing of me, only what you have invented in your mind. For your information, my wife is very non white. Because of that, many of my friends are as well. Don't go racial on me. I've been there for over 40 years.

I don't even know if you know your true heritage...

One of my passtimes is genealogical research. I know, better that you, I would guess, my heritage. I have over 2500 name in my data base. You would be very interested in my great grandmother.

but I do and I am very Proud of it!

I tend to be proud of things that I have accomplished, rather that things that I had no choice about. It's a bit like being proud of your height or shoe size. I am an American as well. I fought in actual combat with the Marines.
I feel sympathy for anyone who has been wronged, but I will not feel guilt. My concience is clear

I am not racial/ethical or even religious (in the Christan way)of any sort. I AM AN AMERICAN and DAMN PROUD IT, I will at any time state my Heritage to whom ever and where ever I please...why Because I DO live in the land of the Free. My "People" have been fighting to survive for 100s of years and you know what.....we ain't dead yet!!!!!! We have been raped, killed, poisoned, land stolen from us,and so much more and we are still here and are Americans who still believe in mankind!

Carl..Get off my Native American Back and go find someone else to pick on because this American Native won't sit by quitely........if you have anything else to say about it do so in a PM or can find both in my profile.

WHY DO YOU KEEP UP WITH THIS NATIVE AMERICAN DIATRIBE??????? READ THIS VERY CAREFULLY. I DON'T CARE. It makes no difference to me who or what you are or claim to be. YOU keep bringing it up, not me or anyone else. Quit hiding behind your ethnicity or using it as a weapon.

I'm done now. I will not bother you or your eagle again. Too thin skinned for me.

Now you go and have yourself a very nice day!
Carl you do not debate you agervate.....

:lol: Carl......Hiding is refusing to admit who or what you are and if you don't like my Heritage, then don't I said I am proud of who and what I am. :D

I don't ask for yours or anyone else's sympathy, I am just proud that The People survived the trials of life placed upon them over the centuries!

CARL......I AM NATIVE AMERICAN of The Echota Cherokee Tribe of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA! and I don't give a damn whether YOU like it or not..... the only weapons I use are the ones gifted to me by others.:shock:

I don't attack....but I will defend myself :shock: I am of a Proud Nation.

BTW, the Native people are the only ones who have to "Prove" their Native Lineage by DNA or Roll # of their parent(s) or other direct relative. I have a Roll Number!!!!!!!!!!!


I will have a wonderful Day..because I KNOW who I am and I don't have to knit-pick things apart to have some fun. :D

Re: Global Warming????

Posted: Wed Jul 30, 2008 1:20 pm
Oh CRAP! Now I'm hearing the sound of drums!!! :? ;) :lol: GoGiYoHe Kamama Unali Go He!!! Ain't phonicks great? :D Sombody SAGE Me!!! :twisted: